

how much should you pay, six factors that determine copywriting rates

Factors that determine copywriting rates

How to determine copywriting rates? Well, When it comes to copyrighting services, you should first keep in mind that you get what you pay”. Simple as that.

A good copywriter will cost you a good deal of money. At the same time, for cheap rates, you are sure to get a mediocre copy that can do more harm to your brand than good. Then how do you figure out the best rates for copywriting services?

Well, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to determining copywriting rates. Each writer will charge according to the rate that resonates with their skills and expertise in the industry.

That being said, here are 6 factors that can help you determine the ideal copywriting rates, so you can understand if the rate is too good to be true or if you are getting ripped off.

So without any further ado, let us dive right in.


When it comes to paying your writer, know that you are not just paying for their time but paying for the years of experience they have acquired.

The work quality completed is reflected in the experience. A niche copywriter with more than a decade of expertise working on any niche industry will cost more than a newcomer with less than a year of expertise.

Project size

The price is affected by the project’s scope. A work that takes four weeks to finish will deficiently cost more than one that takes a day or two to complete.

Similarly, a web copywriting project with types of service pages, location pages, and a skillset base, for example, will cost more than a typical landing page website.

Most copywriters like to charge based on the word count, which is the norm in the industry. As you tend to get on the higher end of the spectrum, you will see professional writer charge based on the project.

Completion time

Good professional writers are scheduled for months ahead of time. If you want to collaborate with them, you must reserve in advance or pay a quick turnaround fee.

A quick turnaround fee compensates a writer for working on your assignment or submitting your job ahead of their customary deadline. It is applicable to urgent projects.

Knowledge of the Industry

Some content writers are general practitioners who work across multiple industries. However, there is a significant difference when dealing with a specialty copywriter. Expect to pay extra for subject matter specialists that understand your sector better than a generalist.

Project complexity

Some subjects are more complicated than others. Sometimes a writer may have to spend 10 hours writing a 1000-word article on AI Technology while only having to spend an hour doing the same-sized project on room décor.

Depending on the specialty, researching the topic, understanding industry lingo, and writing compelling content may take more time.

Specific add on

Do you need images, multimedia, or other visual elements for your website? An illustration, a chart, professional pictures, or interactive content could be used as a visual help.

Creating graphics or catering to extra components outside of the original area of work takes time and skill. The additional cost will be incorporated into the total price you pay.

Final thoughts

Remember that when it comes to website copywriting, you get what you pay for. The expense of employing professionals with a track record of accomplishment is rising on a daily basis.

But the outcomes make it all worthwhile. Do your homework and thoroughly vet authors before spending their website copywriting prices.